iCandy Peach 7 vs Bugaboo Fox 5

When it comes to premium prams, the iCandy Peach 7 and the Bugaboo Fox 5 are two of the top contenders. Both offer high-end styling, functionality, and versatility for growing families. But which one comes out on top?
icandy Peach 7 vs Bugaboo Fox 5 Pram Review

Quick Verdict

In our personal opinion, the Bugaboo Fox 5 not only encapsulates a blend of elegant design and practicality but also ensures a comfortable and convenient experience for both parent and child, from infancy through to toddlerhood. The iCandy Peach 7, while also a strong competitor, falls slightly short in direct comparison with the innovative features offered by the Bugaboo Fox 5.

While both prams are undoubtedly excellent choices in the premium pram market, the Bugaboo Fox 5 clinches the win in our comparison, offering a slightly superior and more innovative experience overall.

Check out deals on the Bugaboo Fox 5

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A Full Review of the iCandy Peach 7

A Full Review of the Bugaboo Fox 5

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When it comes to premium prams, the iCandy Peach 7 and the Bugaboo Fox 5 are two of the top contenders. Both offer high-end styling, functionality, and versatility for growing families. But which one comes out on top? We've compared these two impressive prams across the key factors to help you decide.

Category Winner
Design & Appearance Bugaboo Fox 5 🏆
Weight & Folding Bugaboo Fox 5 🏆
Maneuverability & Handling Bugaboo Fox 5 🏆
Seat Comfort & Adjustability Bugaboo Fox 5 🏆
Car Seat Compatibility Tie 🏆
Features & Accessories Bugaboo Fox 5 🏆
Value for Money Bugaboo Fox 5 🏆
The Verdict Bugaboo Fox 5 🏆

Design & Appearance

Both the iCandy Peach 7 and Bugaboo Fox 5 feature stylish, contemporary designs using high-quality fabrics and materials. The Peach 7 has a rounded shape with a deeper seat and comes in various fashionable colors. The Fox 5, on the other hand, offers a sleek, streamlined design with fewer visible buttons and a more balanced look. It also offers a whopping 34 color options, allowing parents to fully customize their pram. For design and appearance, it's a close call, but the Bugaboo Fox 5 edges out with its customizability and sleek design.

Winner: Bugaboo Fox 5

Weight & Folding

The iCandy Peach 7 is impressively lightweight at just 11.2 kg. The aluminum chassis and clever folding mechanism allow it to fold neatly into a compact package. The Bugaboo Fox 5, while not specified in weight, is also praised for its one-handed fold and self-standing feature, making it convenient to fold in various situations. For weight and folding, both prams perform well, but the Bugaboo Fox 5's one-handed fold gives it a slight edge.

Winner: Bugaboo Fox 5

Maneuverability & Handling

The iCandy Peach 7 glides effortlessly thanks to its all-wheel suspension and foam-filled tires that absorb bumps exceptionally well. The Bugaboo Fox 5, however, boasts a new chassis design and seamless steering system that provides a super-light push and easy one-handed operation. It also has large, puncture-proof wheels designed for all terrains. For maneuverability and handling, the Bugaboo Fox 5 takes the lead.

Winner: Bugaboo Fox 5

Seat Comfort & Adjustability

The iCandy Peach 7's seat is well-padded with supportive side wings and can recline fully flat for newborns. For upright toddlers, the seat is taller with handy calf support. The Bugaboo Fox 5 offers an extendable seat unit, providing extra headroom and length for longer legs. This is a great feature for toddlers who outgrow their seat units before they're ready to walk or before they reach the weight limits. For seat comfort and adjustability, the Bugaboo Fox 5 wins.

Winner: Bugaboo Fox 5

Car Seat Compatibility

The iCandy Peach 7 allows you to convert the seat unit into a travel system to fit major infant car seat brands like Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, and BeSafe with adaptors. The Bugaboo Fox 5 also offers car seat adaptors, enabling parents to add the Turtle Air by Nuna infant carrier to the frame, among other brands. For car seat compatibility, it's a tie.

Winner: Tie

Features & Accessories

Both prams come well equipped with handy features like adjustable hoods, roomy shopping baskets, and all-wheel suspension. The iCandy Peach 7 offers a carrycot option and coordinating accessories like parasols, foot muffs, and changing bags. The Bugaboo Fox 5, however, goes a step further with its carrycot suitable for overnight sleep when paired with the Carrycot Stand, a feature new to Bugaboo. For features and accessories, the Bugaboo Fox 5 takes the win.

Winner: Bugaboo Fox 5

Value for Money

Both prams are premium models with prices reflecting their high-end design, excellent quality, and abundance of features. The iCandy Peach 7 offers more accessories and flexibility, justifying its price. The Bugaboo Fox 5, however, offers unique features like the extendable seat unit and the carrycot suitable for overnight sleep, providing added value. For value for money, it's a close call, but the Bugaboo Fox 5's unique features give it the edge.

Winner: Bugaboo Fox 5

The Verdict

While both are excellent premium prams, the Bugaboo Fox 5 takes the win with its sleek design, one-handed fold, extendable seat unit, and unique features that make it a versatile and convenient choice for parents. The iCandy Peach 7 puts up strong competition, but the Bugaboo Fox 5's innovative features and customizability make it the superior pram overall.

Overall Winner: Bugaboo Fox 5

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Bugaboo Fox 5 weigh less than the iCandy Peach 7?

Yes, the Bugaboo Fox 5 weighs less than the iCandy Peach 7. The Bugaboo Fox 5 weighs 9.9 kg while the iCandy Peach 7 weighs 12.9 kg.

What is the age suitability of the Bugaboo Fox 5?

The Bugaboo Fox 5 is suitable from birth up to the age of 4 years.

What is the age suitability of the iCandy Peach 7?

The iCandy Peach 7 is suitable from birth up to the age of 6 years.

Can the iCandy Peach 7 be converted into a double or twin pushchair?

Yes, the iCandy Peach 7 can easily be converted into a double or twin pushchair, making it versatile and suitable for growing families.

What are the dimensions of the Bugaboo Fox 5 when folded?

The Bugaboo Fox 5 has a compact fold with dimensions of L:86cm x W:52cm x H:34cm.

What are the dimensions of the iCandy Peach 7 when folded?

The iCandy Peach 7 does not have a compact fold. Its dimensions when folded are L:70cm x W:61cm x H:29cm.

Which pram is more expensive, the Bugaboo Fox 5 or the iCandy Peach 7?

Both the Bugaboo Fox 5 and the iCandy Peach 7 have a similar price ranges for the carrycot and pushchair set at £1,099. However, the iCandy Peach 7 complete bundle is priced at £1,199, making it more expensive if you opt for the complete bundle.

Is the iCandy Peach 7 compatible with car seats?

Yes, the iCandy Peach 7 is compatible with most popular brands of car seats including Maxi Cosi, Cybex, and Joie.

Is the Bugaboo Fox 5 compatible with car seats?

Yes, the Bugaboo Fox 5 is compatible with car seats and can be used as a travel system.

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About the author
Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich is the founder of Pram Picks, As a mother of four young children. She is passionate about helping families make informed pram purchases through transparent, consumer-focused reviews.

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