Uppababy Vista V2 Review

In this review, we'll cover everything you need to know about the popular UPPAbaby Vista, from seating options to foldability.
Uppababy Vista V2

You'll get the details on how the Vista performs as both a single and double stroller, see how it compares to other top brands, and find out whether this coveted convertible stroller might be the right fit for your growing family's needs. Read on for an in-depth look at the versatile UPPAbaby Vista to help inform your stroller purchase decision.

Quick Verdict

In summary the UPPAbaby Vista V2 is the convertible stroller growing families love. This adaptable pushchair effortlessly expands from single to double mode through integrated adapters allowing over 20 configurations.

The plush, reversible seat ensures comfortable use from birth up to 50 lbs. This is the versatile, quality-engineered stroller designed to evolve with your family for years of use through toddlerhood and beyond.

The setup is quick thanks to the adapters being part of the frame. The one-hand fold is nice and compact. Maneuvering feels smooth even loaded up. This stroller warrants the investment for the years of use you'll get out of it as your family expands.

If you desire a long-lasting stroller that evolves alongside your growing family, the Vista is an excellent choice needing only one purchase from infancy through the preschool years

Check out deals on the UPPAbaby Vista V2

Who is the UPPAbaby Vista suitable for?

The versatile UPPAbaby Vista suits urban parents needing an adaptable single-to-double stroller with premium engineering and ample storage for shopping and errands.

Its convertible design accommodates infants in the bassinet up to toddlers in the seat, then expands to a double pushchair, providing longevity for growing families wanting comfort, convenience, and customisation in a high-end, long-lasting pushchair.


The Vista V2 chassis is constructed from polished aluminium for a sleek look and smooth handling. Weighing 27 pounds, the sturdy frame provides stability while remaining maneuverable thanks to all-wheel suspension and foam-filled tires. The chassis accommodates configurable seating like the toddler seat, RumbleSeat, bassinet, and compatible infant car seats with ease. Adjustable handlebar heights cater to parents of different sizes.

Wheels and Handling

The Vista rolls on 12" rear wheels and 8.5" front wheels, all outfitted with foam-filled rubber tires. This air-filled tire construction absorbs shocks and provides cushioning over uneven surfaces. All-wheel suspension further smoothes the ride for both parent and passenger. Despite its size, the Vista maneuvers nimbly thanks to swiveling front wheels and a tight turning radius. The telescoping handlebar offers multiple heights to optimize parents' comfort while steering.

Folding the Vista

The Vista folds up easily in just a few simple steps. To fold it, first put on the brakes. Then use one hand to lift up the handlebar until you hear a click. The stroller will fold itself up! When it's folded, it will stand up on its own thanks to the handy self-standing lock.

To unfold it, just lift the handlebar up again with one hand. The Vista will open up and lock into place. It only takes a few seconds to fold up this stroller or unfold it.

When the Vista is folded up, it measures about 13 inches wide, 33 inches high, and 25 inches long. This folded size is about the width of a sidewalk and the height of a 3-year-old child. The folded Vista can stand freely in a corner or next to the wall without taking up too much space.

Storage Basket

This stroller has a really big basket underneath the seat that can hold a ton of stuff. You can fit about 30 pounds worth of things in it - as much as a couple bags of groceries! It's easy to access the basket from all sides, even when the Vista is holding two kids. The huge basket makes it great for shopping trips or bringing lots of baby supplies on the go.

Folded uppababy vista v2


The Vista weighs about 12 kg with one seat on it. 12 kg is heavier than some lighter strollers made just for one child. But the Vista is made of strong, durable materials so it can hold up to two kids.

This robust construction makes it weigh more but also gives it stability. If you need to lift the Vista, like to put it in your car boot, removing the second seat and the wheels helps lighten the load. Taking the wheels off brings it down to about 9 kg. This makes it easier to pick up and carry.

Seating Options

Seating options accommodate children from birth through preschool. A bassinet appropriate for overnight sleep provides a flat surface for newborns. The toddler seat holds up to 50 pounds and reclines fully flat. Add the RumbleSeat to enable double seating. Compatible infant car seats can also be clicked onto the frame.


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Open dimensions: 87cm W x 77cm D x 110cm H

Folded dimensions: 34cm W x 83cm D x 92cm H

Stroller weight: 12kg

Maximum weight capacity: 23kg

Wheels: foam-filled rubber tyres

Safety Features

A 5-point harness keeps children secure in the toddler seat and RumbleSeat. Reflective accents on the wheels improve visibility. The sturdy aluminum frame withstands wear and tear. Suspension prevents shocks from uneven surfaces.

What is included in the UPPAbaby Vista travel system bundle?

  • Vista V2 stroller frame
  • Vista V2 toddler seat
  • Vista V2 bassinet
  • Pebble 360 Pro infant car seat
  • Pebble 360 Pro base
  • Car seat adapters

How much is the UPPAbaby Vista travel system bundle?

The UPPAbaby Vista V2 travel system bundle including the Pebble 360 Pro infant car seat and base is £1,501.96.

Is the UPPAbaby Vista travel system bundle worth it?

The Vista V2 travel system bundle can be worth the investment as it is cheaper than purchasing each item individually. The included bassinet, toddler seat, and Pebble 360 Pro infant car seat with base provide all the necessary components for safely transporting children from newborn through toddler years. Given the Vista's durability and potential to last through multiple children, the bundled travel system offers good value.

UPPAbaby vista travel system bundle deal

What Colours Does the UPPAbaby Vista Come In?

The Vista V2 is available in a variety of stylish colour options:
Bryce (white marl), Gregory (blue melange), Hazel (green melange), and Jake (black), Sierra (pink melange), Alice (navy), Finn (slate blue), Grey (charcoal melange), Loic (white), and Reid (khaki).

Is the UPPAbaby Vista worth it?

With its convertible design growing from single to double mode, luxe leatherette accents, high-end engineering, and ultra-smooth ride, the UPPAbaby Vista justifies its premium price for discerning parents seeking longevity and performance from an adaptable all-terrain stroller.

How does the Uppababy Vista compare to the Bugaboo Fox?

Overall, the Vista V2 is better if you want the option of a double stroller in future years ahead. The Fox 5 is an agile single stroller choice if you only need one seat. Test push both to see which handling and features suit your needs.

As a parent, the Vista V2's ability to convert from single to double mode is useful if you want the flexibility of just one stroller as your family grows. The Fox 5 only works as a single, so you'd need to purchase another stroller later on if you have a second child.

Both strollers will provide a smooth ride, but the Vista V2's bigger wheels and suspension may handle rougher terrain slightly better. The Fox 5 still maneuvers well but is better suited for city use.

For comfort, the Vista V2's bassinet is approved for safe overnight sleep, giving your newborn a better flat sleeping surface than the Fox 5 bassinet can provide.

The Fox 5 is lighter at 23 lbs, making it easier to lift in and out of your car. The 27 lb Vista V2 is still manageable but could feel heavy long-term.

Storage-wise, the Vista V2's huge 30 lb basket beats the Fox 5's 22 lb basket capacity. The Vista V2 can fit more of your everyday baby essentials.

Uppababy Vista Compared to Other Prams

UPPAbaby Vista vs Bugaboo Fox

The Vista converts to a double stroller while the Bugaboo Fox is a single. The Vista weighs 4 lbs more but has a bigger basket capacity. The Fox has a more compact fold and customizable canopies. The Vista bassinet enables flat overnight sleep unlike the Fox.

UPPAbaby Vista vs Cybex Gazelle

The Vista transitions to a double stroller, while the Cybex Gazelle only expands from single to double mode. The Vista weighs almost double the Gazelle. The Gazelle offers over 20 configurations versus 8 for the Vista. Both feature spacious baskets, but the Gazelle's is smaller.

UPPAbaby Vista vs Ocarro

The Vista transitions from single to double mode, but the Ocarro pram is only a single stroller. The Ocarro is lighter at 13.5 kg compared to the Vista's 27 lb weight. Both strollers have an auto-fold design for easy folding. The Vista enables more seating configurations as a double.

UPPAbaby Vista vs Babyzen Yoyo

The Vista is a large, convertible stroller while the Yoyo is an ultra-compact umbrella stroller. The Yoyo weighs just 6 kg versus 12 kg for the Vista. The Yoyo folds tiny enough for a plane's overhead compartment. The Vista fits way more baby gear in its oversized basket.

UPPAbaby Vista vs Silver Cross Wayfarer

The Vista transitions from single to double mode, while the Wayfarer is single only. The Vista has a bigger basket and larger wheels for all-terrain use. The Wayfarer weighs less at 11 kg versus 12 kg for the Vista. Both strollers have premium styling and handy storage pouches.

What car seat are compatible with the UPPAbaby Vista?

The VISTA is compatible with select Maxi-Cosi, Nuna, Egg and Joie infant car seats with our Car Seat Adapter accessory.

How much does the UPPAbaby Vista V2 cost?

The UPPAbaby Vista V2 costs £859 for a single stroller with bassinet. Expanding to a double with the RumbleSeat and necessary adapters raises the cost to about £1,170. Additional accessories like snack trays and footmuffs sold separately allow customisation.

The Vista's popularity stems from its versatile configurations accommodating up to three children, high-end materials like leatherette details, included bassinet for newborns, and premium quality engineering creating one of the smoothest rides.

What is the difference between UPPAbaby Vista and Vista V2?

The Vista V2 has upgraded wheels and suspension for better maneuverability, a roomier toddler seat, redesigned canopy with added ventilation, no-rethread harness, and new colors compared to the original Vista model.

What age is the UPPAbaby Vista V2 suitable for?

The Vista V2 can be used from birth with the included bassinet up to around 3-4 years old with the toddler seat that holds up to 50 pounds.

How long can a baby sleep in the UPPAbaby Vista bassinet?

UPPAbaby's bassinet is approved for safe overnight sleep. It can be used from birth until the baby is 20 pounds or starts pushing up, typically around 3-6 months.

Is Nuna or UPPAbaby better?

UPPAbaby is considered slightly better than Nuna for its sleeker designs, intuitive usability, and modular compatibility across strollers and car seats in UPPAbaby's ecosystem.

Can you bring the UPPAbaby Vista on an airplane?

Yes, the Vista fits airplane overhead bins when folded if the wheels are removed. UPPAbaby sells a travel bag for gate-checking that protects the stroller.

Can babies sleep overnight in the UPPAbaby Vista bassinet?

UPPAbaby's bassinet is approved for safe overnight sleep when attached to the Vista stroller, offering newborns a flat, stable sleep surface.

Is the UPPAbaby Vista too big for Disney world?

No, at 25.7" wide x 32.8” long when folded the Vista meets Disney's size restrictions allowing it to navigate crowded parks.

About the author
Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich is the founder of Pram Picks, As a mother of four young children. She is passionate about helping families make informed pram purchases through transparent, consumer-focused reviews.

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