BabyStyle Oyster 3 vs iCandy Peach 7

When investing in a premium pram, the BabyStyle Oyster 3 and iCandy Peach 7 are two of the top options for style-conscious parents.
oyster vs peach 7
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Both of these pushchairs blend sophisticated aesthetics with practical functionality. However, there are some notable differences between these models across factors like design, folding, steering, seating, accessories, and overall versatility. We’ve done an in-depth assessment to see how they compare.

iCandy Peach 7 Review

Oyster 3 Review

Quick Verdict

Both pushchairs blend elegance with functionality, but the Peach 7 pulls ahead for parents needing unmatched versatility. While the Oyster 3 folds neatly in one piece, the Peach 7 offers superior seat comfort and adjustability so little ones stay cosy as they grow. Its expansive basket stashes all the daily essentials, while the wide range of accessories like a ride-on board and ability to convert to a double enable the Peach 7 to expand with your family. The Oyster 3 provides outstanding quality and smooth steering at a reasonable price. But for unparalleled flexibility from newborn through the toddler years and beyond, the Peach 7 is worth the investment. With a 5 year chassis warranty and timeless styling, this pushchair can stand the test of time across multiple children, cementing it as the more versatile option.

Check out the latest deals on the iCandy Peach 7
Comparison: BabyStyle Oyster 3 vs iCandy Peach 7
Category Winner
Design and Appearance iCandy Peach 7 🏆
Weight and Folding BabyStyle Oyster 3 🏆
Maneuverability and Handling BabyStyle Oyster 3 🏆
Seat Comfort and Adjustability iCandy Peach 7 🏆
Car Seat Compatibility Tie
Features and Accessories iCandy Peach 7 🏆
The Verdict iCandy Peach 7 🏆 (best multi-purpose premium pushchair) & BabyStyle Oyster 3 🏆 (top-notch single stroller option at a reasonable price)

Design and Appearance

With its polished aluminum chassis and structured seat unit, the Oyster 3 exudes understated elegance. The soft melange fabrics and leatherette details add luxurious accents. It comes in refined yet contemporary hues like pebble, mercury, and slate blue that radiate modern chic.

The Peach 7 has iCandy's signature rounded, heritage look with a deeper, egg-shaped seat. Drawing from the brand's decades of design experience, it comes in classic colorways like chestnut, hazel, and caviar. The softer jersey knit fabrics provide a cozier feel.

For those seeking a contemporary yet modest aesthetic, the Oyster 3 shines. But the Peach 7 can't be beaten for iconic, fashion-forward style inspired by prams of the past.

Winner: iCandy Peach 7

Weight and Folding

When considering portability, the Oyster 3 is reasonably lightweight at 11.7 kg. The aluminum frame keeps the bulk down while still feeling sturdy. Impressively, it folds neatly in one piece with the seat still attached. This creates a travel-friendly package that's easy to transport and stow. Folded dimensions are an ultra-compact 71 x 57 x 37 cm.

The Peach 7 is slightly heftier at 12.9 kg. It uses a two-part fold - the seat needs to be removed before collapsing the chassis. Fully folded dimensions are 70 x 61 x 29 cm. The Peach 7 fold is reasonably compact but can't match the Oyster 3's tidy one-piece fold.

For true grab-and-go convenience, the Oyster 3 wins for its swift one-handed fold with the seat attached.

Winner: BabyStyle Oyster 3

Maneuverability and Handling

Both pushchairs incorporate features to ensure a smooth, stable ride for little passengers. The Oyster 3 is praised for its one-handed maneuverability thanks to the lightweight frame and foam-filled tires. The front swivel wheels provide effortless turning while the adjustable handlebar accommodates parents of different heights.

The Peach 7 is equally equipped with foam tires and an adjustable handle. Its puncture-proof PU tires add durability across uneven terrain. While not as nimble as the Oyster 3, it still handles admirably across surfaces ranging from grocery store aisles to park pathways.

For all-around maneuverability and an easy, intuitive push, the Oyster 3 excels.

Winner: BabyStyle Oyster 3

Seat Comfort and Adjustability

When it comes to keeping tiny travelers cozy, both pushchairs offer cushioned seat units but differ in adjustability. The Oyster 3 seat reclines fully flat, an excellent feature for newborns. The soft padding provides a comfortable ride, although the backrest is more upright.

The Peach 7 shines for adjustable comfort. It reclines to 4 positions and is designed with plush padding on both the seat and backrest. The taller seat back and extendable calf rest provide more customization for growing toddlers.

For superior comfort and adaptability, the Peach 7 takes the lead.

Winner: iCandy Peach 7

Car Seat Compatibility

Both the Oyster 3 and Peach 7 enable you to convert the pushchair into a travel system by using compatible infant car seats. This adds flexibility for safely transporting newborns.

The Oyster 3 allows you to use trusted car seat models like the Maxi-Cosi Pebble, Cybex Cloud Z, and Joie i-Level. The Peach 7 works with those brands but may accommodate a few more options.

When it comes to seamless car seat compatibility, this category results in a draw. Both models provide plenty of options.

Winner: Tie

Features and Accessories

The Oyster 3 comes respectably equipped with handy features like an adjustable handlebar, rain cover, mesh basket, and swing-away bumper bar. Add-ons like the coordinating footmuff or cup holder allow you to customize.

However, the Peach 7 pulls ahead for all-in-one versatility. It can be purchased as a “Complete” bundle adding accessories like a changing bag, parasol, and foot muff. Most impressively, it converts from a single to double pushchair to accommodate siblings. This flexibility provides outstanding value for growing families.

For a versatile, all-inclusive solution, the Peach 7 wins for abundance of add-ons.

Winner: iCandy Peach 7

The Verdict

Both the Oyster 3 and Peach 7 are excellent choices if you're seeking a high-quality premium pushchair. Which is best for you depends on your needs and priorities.

The Oyster 3 shines for parents who desire convenience, sleek styling, smooth handling and an easy one-piece fold. It provides outstanding quality and functionality at a budget-friendly price point compared to other luxury brands.

For those needing a versatile pushchair to grow with your family, the Peach 7 can’t be beaten. Its superior comfort, wide-ranging accessories, and ability to convert to a double make it a worthwhile investment. Although pricier, it delivers flexibility and longevity.

In summary, the Peach 7 is the best multi-purpose premium pushchair, while the Oyster 3 excels as a top-notch single stroller option at a reasonable price.

How do the basket sizes compare between the Peach 7 and Oyster 3?

The iCandy Peach 7 has a noticeably larger basket size compared to the Oyster 3. The Peach 7 boasts an extra-large 44L capacity basket that can hold up to 10kg of belongings. Meanwhile, the Oyster 3 has a smaller basket at 39 x 48 x 17cm dimensions. For parents needing ample built-in storage while strolling, the more spacious Peach 7 basket makes it easier to carry all the daily essentials without an additional bag.

Which pushchair has more car seat options?

The iCandy Peach 7 accommodates more leading car seat models compared to the Oyster 3. While both accept major brands like Maxi-Cosi, Cybex and Joie, the Peach 7 also offers compatibility with BeSafe, Nuna and other top car seat brands. This gives parents more flexibility when selecting an infant car seat to pair with the pushchair as a travel system. The extra compatibility makes the Peach 7 a better choice for seamless use with your preferred car seat.

How do the warranties offered by Peach 7 and Oyster 3 compare?

The iCandy Peach 7 comes with a longer warranty period covering the chassis for 5 years compared to 2 years for the Oyster 3. The lengthy 5 year chassis warranty demonstrates the confidence iCandy has in the Peach 7's durability and gives parents peace of mind about the investment. While both brands offer reasonable warranty protection, the extra years offered by iCandy better shields parents against defects.

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About the author
Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich is the founder of Pram Picks, As a mother of four young children. She is passionate about helping families make informed pram purchases through transparent, consumer-focused reviews.

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