Ocarro vs iCandy Peach

The Mamas & Papas Ocarro and iCandy Peach. Lets put these two premium pushchairs to the test ,
Ocarro vs iCandy Peach
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When it comes to premium prams for growing families, two of the top contenders are the Mamas & Papas Ocarro and the iCandy Peach 7. Both of these pushchairs offer sleek styling, versatility, and excellent quality construction. However, there are some key differences between the two models across factors like design, foldability, maneuverability, seating, car seat compatibility, features, and value. We've done an in-depth assessment to see how they compare.

Quick Verdict

Both the Ocarro and Peach 7 are excellent, premium pushchairs but they each serve slightly different needs.

The Ocarro offers great quality and functionality at a more affordable price point. Its sleek styling and smooth ride make it ideal for parents seeking a versatile, everyday pushchair for one child.

However, the Peach 7 pulls ahead for families wanting superior versatility. Its superior maneuverability, abundance of accessories, and ability to convert to a double pushchair make it a wise investment that can truly grow with your family.

While the Ocarro is best suited to parents of a single child who want a stylish pram at a reasonable price, the Peach 7 is ideal for those needing flexibility to expand for siblings. It also offers unrivaled comfort and heritage styling.

Considering the long term value, abundance of features, and versatility to adapt as your family grows, the iCandy Peach 7 is the winner in my opinion, justifying its higher price tag. But the Ocarro is still an excellent choice at a lower cost for parents seeking a well-designed single pushchair.

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iCandy Peach 7 Review

Ocarro Review

Design & Appearance

The Ocarro features a sleek, compact chassis with stylish details like leatherette accents on the bumper bar and handlebar. The mirror-polished frame gives it a very luxe look. It comes in fashionable colorways like walnut, black, and sage green with brushed flannel fabrics that feel high-end. The Peach 7 has more of a rounded, heritage look reminiscent of previous Peach models but modernized. It uses softer jersey knit fabrics in the iconic iCandy palette including classics like chestnut and caviar as well as bolder hues like truffle and chrome. The Peach also offers extensive customization options to mix and match chassis, seat, and carrycot colors for a bespoke look. When it comes to iconic styling and heritage chic, the Peach 7 excels.

For classic, fashion-forward styling the Winner is: iCandy Peach 7.

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In this review, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at the key features and performance of the Peach 7 after thoroughly testing it firsthand.

Weight & Foldability

When it comes to portability, the Ocarro weighs in at 13.3 kg which is at the heavier end for a full travel system. The chunky tires and sturdy frame give it stability but add bulk. It folds in two parts which can be easier for lifting into a car boot, but it is not the most compact fold at 76 x 58 x 37 cm. However, a standout feature is its ability to self-stand when folded, making storage and unpacking much simpler.

The Peach 7 is also quite hefty at 12.9 kg but the aluminum chassis helps keep the weight down slightly compared to the Ocarro. It boasts iCandy's signature one-handed fold mechanism, collapsing the frame effortlessly in a single motion. However, the fold is still rather bulky at 70 x 61 x 29 cm and you need to remove the seat first. When looking at true portability, the

Winner is: Peach 7 for its easier and more compact fold.


Both the Ocarro and Peach 7 are designed to provide smooth, stable rides thanks to their all-wheel suspension systems and foam-filled, puncture-proof tires. The Ocarro's tires and dual suspension allows it to glide easily over bumpy terrain whether on the pavement or park trails. The foam-filled tires absorb shock well and the chassis design provides good balance. Still, at 13.3 kg, it is not the lightest when making tight turns or navigating crowded spaces.

The Peach 7 likewise has a suspension system and foam tires that help absorb bumps exceptionally well. The handle is also adjustable to accommodate parents of different heights. The lighter frame at 12.9 kg gives it a bit more nimbleness when maneuvering tight corners or navigating crowded spaces.

For all-around maneuverability, the Winner is the Peach 7.

Seat Comfort & Adjustability

Both prams offer roomy, padded seat units but the Peach 7 pulls ahead when it comes to comfort and adjustability. The Ocarro seat reclines fully flat to accommodate newborns. The multiple recline positions allow you to customize your child's position. However, the padding is thinner and the seat itself feels less spacious than the Peach 7.

The Peach 7 seat is designed with plush padding on both the seat and backrest for superior comfort. It reclines to 4 positions for optimal adjustability. The seat is also taller with handy calf support to accommodate toddlers. Together with its smoother suspension, the Peach 7 offers a more comfortable ride overall.

When it comes to seating, the Winner is the Peach 7.

Car Seat Compatibility

Both the Ocarro and Peach 7 allow you to convert the pushchair into a travel system using leading infant car seat models. The Ocarro offers compatibility with trusted brands like Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, and Joie using adapters. This allows you to create a complete travel solution for newborns and young infants on-the-go.

The Peach 7 likewise works with top car seat brands but offers compatibility with more models including Maxi Cosi, Cybex, Joie, Nuna, BeSafe, and others. So it provides parents with more flexibility when selecting an infant car seat.

For the widest compatibility with different car seats, the Winner is the Peach 7.

Features & Accessories

The Ocarro comes adequately equipped right out of the box with extras like a raincover and large storage basket included. But the Peach 7 takes the lead when it comes to abundance of features and versatility. It can be purchased as a "complete" bundle adding accessories like a coordinating changing bag, parasol, cup holder, and foot muff. This creates a much more all-in-one travel solution for busy parents.

But perhaps most impressively, the Peach 7 converts from a single to double pushchair with additional adapters, allowing it to accommodate two infant car seats, two bassinets, or two toddler seats. This level of flexibility makes the Peach 7 a smart investment that truly grows with your family.

For features and versatility, the clear Winner is the Peach 7.

Value for Money

When it comes to price, the Ocarro retails at around £899 which is very competitive for a premium pushchair. The quality construction and array of features make this a great value at this price point. The Peach 7 on the other hand starts at £1099 just for the pushchair and bassinet. The complete bundle goes up to £1199-£1299. This puts it at the higher end of the price spectrum.

However, for parents seeking true versatility in an all-in-one system, the Peach 7 delivers. Considering it can convert from a single to double pushchair, accommodate newborn through toddlerhood, and provide all the accessories needed, the price tag is justified. For parents willing to invest more upfront, the Peach 7 adds value by being able to grow with your family.

The Winner for overall value is the Peach 7.

The Verdict

In summary, both the Ocarro and Peach 7 have excellent qualities and are great options for premium prams. However, when comparing the two, the iCandy Peach 7 comes out on top across the factors that matter most - maneuverability, comfort, flexibility, accessories, and versatility. The Peach 7 will cost more upfront, but its outstanding quality, iconic styling, and ability to adapt to growing families make this a wise investment for those seeking the total package.

What's the difference between the Ocarro and the iCandy Peach 7?

The Ocarro has a sleeker, compact design while the Peach 7 has more of a rounded, heritage look. The Peach 7 is lighter, more maneuverable, and offers more seating comfort and accessories. It also converts to a double pushchair unlike the single-only Ocarro.

Is the iCandy Peach 7 worth it?

The iCandy Peach 7 is worth the higher price if you value the superior maneuverability, iconic styling, and versatility to expand into a double pushchair. It's a premium pram that can truly grow with your family.

Is the Ocarro worth it?

The Ocarro offers great quality and functionality at a lower price point than other top brands. For parents seeking a stylish, everyday pushchair for a single child, the Ocarro could be worthwhile.

Which pushchair has more versatility, the iCandy Peach 7 or Ocarro?

The iCandy Peach 7 offers more versatility, being able to convert from a single to double pushchair. The Ocarro is a single pushchair only.

How do the seating comfort and adjustability compare between the Peach 7 and Ocarro?

The Peach 7 has superior seating comfort and adjustability with more padding, recline positions and customisability. The Ocarro seat is padded but less adjustable.

Which pushchair is easier to manoeuvre, the Peach 7 or the Ocarro?

The Peach 7 is lighter and more nimble making it slightly easier to manoeuvre than the Ocarro in tight spaces. Both handle rough terrain well.

What are the weight and fold differences between the iCandy Peach 7 and the Ocarro?

The Peach 7 is lighter at 12.9kg vs 13.3kg for the Ocarro. The Peach has a more compact fold but the Ocarro can self-stand when folded.

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About the author
Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich is the founder of Pram Picks, As a mother of four young children. She is passionate about helping families make informed pram purchases through transparent, consumer-focused reviews.

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