Ocarro Pram Review

The Mamas & Papas Ocarro pushchair is a premium pram designed for style, comfort and all-terrain performance.
Ocarro Pram Review

Mamas & Papas is a well-known British nursery brand and the Ocarro is their flagship pushchair model, combining sophisticated aesthetics with practical functionality.

In this in-depth review, we'll cover the key features, specs, pros and cons of the Ocarro to help you decide if it's the right high-end pushchair for your family.

Quick Verdict

For on-the-go mums seeking a high-end pram that combines style and substance, the Mamas & Papas Ocarro is a top choice worth the investment. 

Gliding smoothly across the pavement, woodland trails and everywhere in between, this all-terrain pram checks all the boxes. Its plush, reversible seat pampers tiny travellers while the expansive canopy protects from the elements. 

Strolling is made simple thanks to the adjustable handlebars and puncture-proof tires. While the large basket hauls all the daily essentials, the clever one-hand fold collapses this sturdy stroller in a snap. 

Loaded with features to provide comfort for your child and convenience for you, the Ocarro makes stroll-worthy style completely effortless. Keep reading our detailed review to see why we rate it a standout pram.

Check out the latest deals on Ocarro

Who is the Mama & Papa Ocarro pram suitable for?

The Mamas & Papas Ocarro pushchair is perfect for parents who need an all-terrain pram with ample storage and adjustable comfort features to accommodate growing toddlers.

Its robust build quality and sophisticated design make it the perfect long-lasting luxury investment for families seeking premium performance across urban and rural landscapes.

Its puncture-proof wheels, plush seat, and large storage capacity provide comfort and convenience across varied terrains, while the sophisticated styling satisfies those seeking a luxury pram. With adjustable features that accommodate growth and an advanced suspension system ensuring a smooth ride, the Ocarro suits tall babies and toddlers as well as parents needing an adaptable, long-lasting pushchair for the countryside or the city.

A video review of the Ocarro Pushcair.

Main Features of the Ocarro

  • Chassis constructed from lightweight aluminum alloy weighing 13.5kg
  • Sleek, polished chrome finish for attractive aesthetics
  • Compact one-hand auto-fold design folds securely with auto-lock
  • Rear dual suspension and all-wheel suspension for smooth ride
  • Plush padded seat suitable from birth to 15kg
  • L-shaped bucket seat with 5-point safety harness
  • Fully reclining and reversible seat positions
  • UPF 50+ adjustable canopy extends for full coverage
  • Spacious 22L underseat basket accessed from the rear


The Ocarro's chassis is constructed from lightweight yet durable aluminum alloy, weighing 13.5kg. It has a modern, polished chrome finish and sleek lines for attractive aesthetics. The one-hand auto-fold mechanism allows for quick, convenient folding by just pressing the buttons and collapsing the chassis. This securely clicks into place automatically thanks to the auto-lock system. When folded, the chassis is compact at 37cm x 58cm x 76cm. Unfolded it measures 110cm x 58cm x 96cm.

Wheels & Suspension

This pram features 12.5 inch rear wheels and 8.5 inch front wheels, all outfitted with puncture-proof EVA foam tires. The rear wheels utilize Tru-Ride technology in the tires for a cushioned, comfortable ride. Dual suspension in the rear wheels helps absorb bumps and shocks when pushing over uneven sidewalks, grass or gravel. Front swivel wheels can be locked for jogging or walking on rougher terrain. Reflective rims on the wheels offer visibility for parents during low light conditions.

A side angle view of the Ocarro pram with the newborn bassinet.
A side angle view of the Ocarro pram with the newborn bassinet.


Parents also praise the Ocarro's smooth steering and easy maneuverability thanks to its big wheels and dual suspension. The pram nicely absorbs bumps for a comfortable ride even on uneven terrain. As a reviewer reports, "This pushchair glides easily and can turn on a dime using just one hand."

For checking on baby, the adjustable seat and extendable canopy on the Ocarro pushchair make it easy to peek at your little one. And ample storage in the large basket underneath holds diaper bags, toys and other parent essentials when out and about.

If looking for a pram that's a breeze to steer and fold, the Ocarro from Mamas & Papas is a great option worth considering. Many parents say they love this pushchair for its convenience, comfort and stylish design.


The plush, padded seat unit can accommodate children from birth up to 15kg (around 3 years old). It has an L-shaped bucket design with memory foam inserts for extra comfort. The 5-point safety harness includes shoulder pads and is easy to adjust. The seat features three recline positions, including a full lie-flat mode suitable for newborns. It can face forward or reverse to face the parent. The ventilated backrest improves air flow to keep children cool. The seat fabric is soft and removable for machine washing.


Parents will appreciate the UPF 50+ extendable canopy that provides sun protection and full coverage when fully extended. It includes a peekaboo window to check on baby and a ventilation zip panel to allow more air flow.


An extra large underseat basket offers ample storage room, with an impressive capacity of 22 liters. It can fit multiple bags, purses, toys and other items. The rain cover and cup holder can also be stored in the basket when not in use. Accessing the basket is easy from the rear of the stroller.


The Ocarro offers extensive adjustability for both parents and baby's optimal comfort and ergonomics. The telescoping handlebar adjusts across 5 height positions to accommodate caregivers of varying heights. The seat reclines in 3 positions including lie-flat for newborns and has an adjustable calf support. The harness adjusts in height as baby grows for a secure, customized fit.

Safety Features

Safety features include a 5-point harness with padded straps to securely restrain baby. The magnetic access panel simplifies harness adjustments. Puncture-proof tires and dual suspension ensure a smooth, stable ride over uneven terrain. Reflective wheel accents improve visibility.

Car Seat Compatibility

The Ocarro comes with adapters to click in compatible infant car seats like Cybex, Maxi Cosi and BeSafe models to create a seamless travel system without disturbing sleeping babies.

Additional Features

Additional features include a large UPF 50+ canopy with ventilation, a spacious 22L underseat storage basket, and an auto-fold mechanism for quick, one-handed folding with the seat attached in either direction. Silent ventilation windows in the seat and carrycot provide airflow.


Height: 110cm when unfolded. This allows most parents to push the pram comfortably without excessive bending.

Width: 58cm. The narrower width allows the pram to maneuver through tight spaces yet still provides a roomy seat.

Weight: 13.5kg. Heavier than some prams but provides stability and durability. Still reasonable to lift and transport.

Suitability: Suitable from birth up to 15kg (approximately 3 years old). Can be used for newborns in a carrycot up through the toddler years.


Cosy season is just around the corner 👏🍂 watch to see just how easy it is to attach the cosy Ocarro footmuff to your pushchair ✨ #autumn #pushchair #ocarro #pram #autumnbabyessentials #mamasandpapas

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Whats included in the Ocarro bundle deal?

The Ocarro Bundle Deal
The Ocarro Bundle Deal

The Mamas & Papas Ocarro Complete Bundle contains everything needed for a fully-featured travel system from birth through the toddler years.

  • Ocarro Chassis
  • Ocarro Seat Unit
  • Ocarro Carrycot
  • Car Seat Adapters
  • Cybex Aton 5 Infant Car Seat
  • Cybex Aton 2 Base
  • Cup Holder
  • Changing Bag
  • Footmuff

Added accessories like the cup holder, changing bag, and footmuff provide extra convenience and comfort.

By bundling all these pieces together into one complete package, Mamas & Papas have created an all-in-one solution designed to take parents seamlessly from newborn bassinet rides to toddler strolls for complete travel convenience. The Ocarro Complete Bundle has everything you need for safety and comfort on the go.

Colour Options

The Ocarro pushchair comes in a range of stylish colour choices to satisfy different preferences. Parents can select more neutral tones like black, grey, and tan or opt for bolder hues like red, blue, and pink. The pushchair chassis features a sleek chrome finish. Accent details like the harness covers, footmuff, and canopy visor come in coordinating colours. So mums and papas can choose a colour scheme that fits their tastes.

Added Accessories

Mamas & Papas offers useful accessories to enhance convenience when using the Ocarro. A cup holder clips onto the frame to keep parents' drinks handy. The coordinating changing bag has compartments and pockets to organise diapering supplies for changes on the go. For colder weather, a cozy fleece footmuff envelops little ones in warmth while still allowing harness access. And the rain cover provides protection from showers to keep babies dry beneath the pram's canopy.

These extras help maximise comfort, convenience and customised use of the Ocarro pushchair as a travel system.

Is the Ocarro pram worth it?

With its robust aluminum chassis, plush seat, expansive canopy, and huge underseat basket, the feature-packed Ocarro pram gives outstanding value making it a whorthwhile investment.

Considering its smooth maneuverability across all terrains, adjustable seat positions, and convenient one-hand fold. Its premium details like leatherette accents make it a worthwhile investment for style-conscious parents seeking a high-end pram for years of daily use.

Is the Ocarro pram good?

Yes, the Mamas & Papas Ocarro pram earns high marks for quality and performance. Its puncture-proof wheels, adjustable suspension, padded seat, and spacious basket provide comfort and convenience. The easy one-hand fold mechanism makes it simple to collapse. Overall, the Ocarro's stylish design, smooth maneuverability, and versatility make it an excellent premium pram.

Is the Ocarro pram easy to set up?

The Ocarro pram has straightforward assembly right out of the box. Parents can easily put it together in about 10 minutes by just attaching the wheels and seat using the included instructions. Its intuitive design and auto-locking mechanism when unfolding allow the Ocarro pram to be set up quickly and smoothly, making it user-friendly for on-the-go parents.

Is the Ocarro pram easy to fold?

The Ocarro pram's one-hand fold mechanism allows parents to easily fold it down to a compact size in just a few steps. Its auto-lock buttons and standing fold make collapsing the Ocarro quick and hassle-free. This enables convenient storage and portability.

The folded Ocarro pram
The folded Ocarro pram

Is the Ocarro lightweight?

At 13.5kg, the Ocarro pram is relatively lightweight for a full-sized, all-terrain stroller considering its durability and features. While not as light as an umbrella stroller, its robust aluminium frame keeps it light enough for the average parent to steer, lift and transport reasonably well. The weight provides stability while remaining portable.

How many colours does the Ocarro pushchair come in?

The Ocarro comes in a range of stylish colours like black, grey, red, and blue so mamas and papas can choose a shade that fits their tastes.

What kind of accessories can you get for the Ocarro?

Useful accessories like a cup holder, changing bag, and cosy footmuff are available to maximise convenience when using this pram.

Can newborn babies go in the Ocarro?

Yes, the carrycot accessory allows little ones to lie completely flat and comfy in the Ocarro from birth.

Does the Ocarro have good storage?

This pram has an extra large basket under the seat with space for multiple bags, providing ample storage for parents.

Is the Ocarro good for 2 year olds?

With its adjustable seat and tall handlebar, the versatile Ocarro pushchair accommodates little ones from newborn through the toddler years aged 2-3.

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About the author
Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich

Gemma Woolich is the founder of Pram Picks, As a mother of four young children. She is passionate about helping families make informed pram purchases through transparent, consumer-focused reviews.

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